Tuesday 20 September 2022

Dusting ornaments and visiting the library.

This morning I thought it was time to move some ornaments and get the shelves dusted. Got the steps up as the Beatrix Potter collection are on the wall.
That’s then sorted for another few months!

This afternoon I walked down to the leisure centre and have ordered the second book in the Vera series. Haven’t used a library for years but going to try and get my books there regularly now.
The tide was l most in and it was fairly choppy today, quite. Lot of photos but I deleted more!

I had a bird food delivery so went into the greenhouse to get it into containers. The latest sunflower to open must be eight feet tall and has lots of blooms.
May try and get a bit done in the garden tomorrow, but need to finish tidying first and get mor boxes over to the charity shop!


  1. I do like to see an eclectic mix of ornaments etc in a room, but it’s just a pain when it comes to cleaning! As you say, once every few months 😊
    Glad you’ve got Vera 2 sorted. I’ve not been in the library for years. Maybe I’ll start in the winter when it’s cold and the heat is free!
    Love to see the choppy waves crashing in like that. Never gets boring. Digital cameras make life so much easier than being limited to 36 and then having to wait days to see them 😊
    The sunflowers look great. Will you save the seeds for the birds?
    Knowing you you’ll manage to get the tidying done, a couple of charity shop runs and gardening! You should slow down a bit.
    Enjoy the new drama tonight.

    1. It was pleasant by the sea, not so cold today, the book should be here by early next week.
      The birds are eating the seeds of the older sunflowers already, the heads are disappearing.
