Wednesday 28 September 2022

Jigsaw and gardening

The day did involve a little more than jigsaw and gardening but they were the predominant activities!  I was out feeding the birds just after 6.30, not many birds about to be honest, a couple of blackbirds and my cheeky squirrel who comes near waiting for some peanuts! I went out to post a letter at about 8am and decided to make it into a walk so went through the park before coming home.

There was an unusual display of tributes to the Queen still there.
I collapsed some boxes and did a bit more sorting in the kitchen and then thought I would do a bit to the jigsaw in daylight. I have to admit that this jigsaw has come very close to defeating me. I did manage to get the stone wall finished but have started on a tree and am thinking I won’t be finishing it again!
I spent quite a while in the garden, the bed next to the pub next door was my target today. Lots of self sewn foxgloves which is great, but a lot of unwanted stuff too and some dead stuff to remove.
Pulled a gladioli up by mistake and was interested in the number of ‘babies’ it had!
This gladioli had snapped so it in a vase indoors now!
I redid the edges and dug the front of the bed, the gladioli are at the back and didn’t want to dig them all up! So was out a good while and should be able to leave it alone now.
Although we have had some light showers I noticed that plants were wilting under the trees at the bottom of the garden. So reluctantly did some watering with the cans. I did plant Chinese lantern at the side of the garden, it hasn’t been very happy in the shade and being so dry but it has managed to survive and produce two lanterns. I will move it to a different position for next year.
I was quite weary then so did a couple of puzzles in my magazine.
Think I will sort out winter clothes this evening and get the summer stuff packed away.


  1. A very nice opening pic across the park. Early mornings are a great time to be out doing something, specially walking. Gets in some exercise while avoiding too many people and also leaves the rest of the day to do other things. Looks like you’ve been quite busy doing other things too. The garden really is coming along now and should be in a great state to overwinter. Worth the effort you’ve been putting in, which I know is a lot!
    I thought that jigsaw would be a nightmare when I first saw it. But I have absolute faith that you’ll finish it. No matter how many times you consider giving up, you won’t 😊
    I love to see trees in a big garden, but as you say they do stop the plants underneath getting enough water. It’s a long trek back and forth with cans too! Any news on how long the hosepipe ban is going to be?
    I do like the Chinese lanterns. Once they get going they spread quite well on their own. I remember you have lots of them back at Welland.
    Don’t be a pessimist, warm weather might linger a bit longer yet……then again 😄

  2. It has seemed quite a busy day, but probably just that I am getting on a bit and can’t do what I used to do!
    I am feeling a bit more positive about the garden, although it still seem endless effort, as things get established it seems more like an established garden now.
    Don’t hold your breath on the jigsaw front!
