Wednesday 14 September 2022

Getting a bit more active

This morning I walked to the front and went a bit further along the sea wall, stopping for a drink on the was back. I noticed some flowers laid in remembrance of the Queen in the memorial gardens.

Back home I fed the cakes then after lunch I made a start on the garden carrying along the main bed. I did move a couple of plants that were being swamped by the cordilyne and lifted some foxglove plants, so not a lot of progress.

I came in to watch the walk through the city with the Queens coffin and wrote a couple of short letters which I went to post before going out into the greenhouse to pot up the foxgloves and some other plants. A couple of unusual bugs, one not in good focus, they were very small!

Started the new jigsaw a couple of nights ago, taking shape.
Watching Shetland now.


  1. Glad you’re getting out for a bit of a walk. It does make you feel better, as long as you don’t overdo it. I always enjoy my little walks, but sometimes it seems an effort until you get started. Plus I’m basically lazy 😊 The front is always a good place to go as it always seems to look different. Give it a little while and the waves will be crashing in full force!
    It’s nice to see the flowers for the queen, but I’d love to know the total cost spent on them all. Must be millions. Shame it couldn’t be spent on something longer lasting. I’m sure there’ll be thousands of bunches on the route on Monday!
    The gardening you did looks enough progress to me. A little every now and then is more than enough in a garden that size! It’s nice you can use the greenhouse for a bit of potting now too. The bugs are pretty small so you did well to get anything at all! Not bad for a phone.
    I’m watching Shetland too. Shame it’s the last one ☹️

  2. Not the last one it seems, back next year with Tosh in charge!
    Had quite a full day, will try to keep up the energy levels.
    Will be good to be using the greenhouse for plants and not bird food storage.

  3. Yayyyyyy for more Shetland. 😊👍
