Thursday 22 September 2022

Plants for winter colour!

This morning was second injection day for the cats. Blue was put on the box without much difficulty although it is a wonder she didn’t have a very sore throat from the endless howling afterwards! Pandora on the other hand gave us the run around and we had to try again after Tina had taken morning prayers. The constant complaining form Blue didn’t help calm her down. Tina managed to pick her up when she got back, but had to hold on very tightly and getting her into the carrier was another challenge! We ended up with the carrier on end and put her in tail first! When we got to the vets we couldn’t get her out and the vet had to pick the carrier up to remove her! After er jab she was back in the box like grease lightning!
We fetched them home and had a cuppa before going out for lunch at a garden centre. Remembered to leave a not for Shane the Ringtons man as we would be put when he called. We went to Skirlaugh garden centre and had a good look round the antique centre there, Tons spotted this water feeder for the birds, not an antique but it works and will be good for the small birds.
Of course there were Christmas displays on show.
After lunch we went and looked at plants, we actually took some boxes with us today, organised for once. Some bedding plants and a few perennials on offer.
I went down the road to buy a birthday card, then went out again to post it!
I got the plants all into trays and gave them a good watering, also watered the bonsai trees and the tubs in the front garden.
Have been going through drawers nd letter racks getting rid of paperwork I no longer need and after tea I have done some ironing.
Feeling quite tired tonight but looking forward to the final part of the drama I have been watching.


  1. Rather you than me with the cats! I have memories of putting Charlie in a pet carrier a few times. Legs out at right angles so it wouldn’t fit however you tried 😄 Next time I think you should definitely put Pandora in her carrier first as Blue is a bit dopier! But you got there in the end.
    Nice you both got out for a bit of lunch. I bet you needed it after the cat palaver.
    I thought the bird feeder was a giant candle when I first saw it. Thought you were expecting power cuts. Although living with a vicar I bet you have access to plenty of candles if you need them. Didn’t think you’d make it to a garden centre and not come away with plants! Nice ones though. I do like the ornamental cabbages.
    Sounds like you’ve managed to fit a few other jobs into your day too. Not surprised your tired. Hope you manage to stay awake through the drama, I’m really looking forward to it.

  2. I will try and get the plants into the garden over the weekend, the sooner they are in the better they seem to do.
    The garden centre at Skirlaugh is interesting because ot the antique centre. Lots of different dealers nd always interesting.
    I am looking forward to the drama too.
