Thursday 15 September 2022

More pedalling than walking!

Not been quite so active today, Tina headed off to meet up with friends this morning and will go on to Mirfield nd come back tomorrow afternoon. I did a bit of washing and a couple of chores and then went and had a coffee and catch up with Angela as we hadn’t seen each other for a few weeks. I wasn’t feeling too lively so sat and finished the jigsaw this morning, it is actually much more enjoyable doing it in daylight!
I had emptied a couple of the tubs of bird food in my storage cupboard and was sure that I had spare tubs of both in the greenhouse. Shows my bed isn’t where it should be as I had actually runout of both, the first time I have done that! Thought of taking the bus to the garden centre but in the end decided to take the trolley along to the pet shop in town. Got enough supplies to tide me over and have now ordered more which will arrive shortly. 
I called in at Missy on the way as I had a fifteen pound credit note. She had died more to the sale rail so got these trousers and didn’t part with any cash, they are slits, but had sequins behind, so I won’t be showing fleet of getting a draught!
Will get a photo with them on when Tina is back!
Called in at Island gifts on the way back as he has some new toadstools which I really like! He is closing at the end of the year because of health problems, that is a shame it is a lovely shop.
I went out again to the shop as I decided to make pie for dinner and needed some ingredients. Haven’t made pasty for a while and if I say so myself it was a really tasty chicken and mushroom pie and enough for Darren andTina tomorrow as well!
Have filled in a pre assessment questionnaire from the hospital today so maybe I won’t have to go in for a pre assessment before the surgery, fingers crossed. Although at the moment that wouldn’t be possible as the hand is now deteriorating quite rapidly!
Meant to do a bit in the garden but didn’t get around to it, maybe tomorrow!
Used the pedal thing this evening for a while to make up for less walking!


  1. Where the hell did “Ishtar” come from 😊 Should have said light! I get worse.

  2. Don’t you just love auto correct, can be very funny sometimes!
    Not a bad day, only one lot of visiting tomorrow so maybe a bit of gardening.
