Wednesday 7 September 2022

Hello Peterborough again!

This morning I got some shopping, or should I say supplies, as Tina was bringing me down to Peterborough so that I can visit my sister again and to see the family. A cluster of autumn crocuses has appeared in the front garden surrounded by weeds and the dreaded ground elder!
We set off after lunch and I am sorry, couldn’t not take pics of the bridge today!
We checked into a hotel near Ferry Meadows and met up with family at the Granary restaurant where we had a lovely meal. Then Tina and I went for a walk towards the meadows, turning round when we got to the railway track.
Spotted the moon on the way back.
Not bad for having to hold the phone still for five seconds!
Relaxing in the room now, which is comfortable. Hospital visit tomorrow.


  1. So many trips to Peterborough lately, your poor cat will be so cross with you again.
    Thought you’d have to photograph the bridge this time as you missed doing it last time. I really like the one of the toll booths with the bridge behind.
    The Granary from what I remember is a nice place to eat and a family catch up is always good. A nice place for a short evening stroll too.
    The 5 second last shot isn’t too bad all things considered! You definitely need a folding tripod to fit in your bag 😊
    Hope you get a good nights sleep in readiness for some visiting tomorrow.

  2. Fingers crossed for a decent night.well, would do if it didn’t hurt to cross them!!
    A nice day and not too hectic a day planned for tomorrow.
