Thursday 8 September 2022

Nice lunch and hospital visit and sad ending to the day

Will begin with the sad ending, like most of the country I was very sorry to hear that the queen has died, most of us do not remember a time without her.
This morning I was up quite early and decided to go for a walk. Thought I would have a cuppa in the restaurant that does breakfast for the hotel guests. That really confused the lady welcoming guests but they did let me go in and have a drink! Then I walked up to Ferry meadows, only far enough to see one of the lakes as I had forgotten how far it was!

Tina and I went to have breakfast in Notcutts garden centre which backs onto the hotel and then Tina drove me to the Orton Centre so that I could catch the bus into town. I had a wander round when I arrived and got a new screen saver put on my phone. Then I went to meet Mike, good to see him nd we had a really lovely lunch at Prezzo. I then caught the bus to the hospital was there in time to see two physios taking my sister for a ‘walk’, very scary, she looked in pain and couldn’t put her foot flat and the two of them were hovering by her side, about ten to fifteen steps in the ward and she was completely exhausted. Then they were saying about her going home! Tried a couple of times to talk to her nurse, but ended up telling my concerns to another nurse and hoping they will get passed on. 
On the bus back to town I took a photo of one of the windows as I think it is such a brilliant idea. I often sit in buses at home where people will shut windows gain if you try to get some air!
Also went through a pretty village where there were lots of thatched properties, managed to get one photo!
Anya picked me up in town and brought me back to the hotel.
Tina and I went out for tea and are now relaxing, we are both pretty tired.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. For some reason this comment doubled up when I first posted it, so I deleted it and tried again.

    It is very sad about the queen. She was a great lady. It’s going to seem so odd not to have her around. As you say most people don’t remember a time without her, including me. They were talking about the king earlier on, seems so strange ☹️
    It is a fair walk from where you’re staying to the lake, but they say all exercise is good, in small doses 😊 It is nice over there though.
    It was lovely to see you today. Seems ages since we’ve met up. Lunch was lovely and good to have a long natter.
    Doesn’t sound like a great idea to send Margherita home. I understand why they try to get people out ASAP but it could be an accident waiting to happen.
    The windows on the buses are a great idea as like you I like a bit of fresh air regardless of the weather. They were locked open at the start of the pandemic, but I have noticed a few of them shut lately. Shame.
    I’m not surprised you’re both tired, you in particular. You’ve had a lot of unscheduled trips down here lately, and it takes it out of you. A bit of a rest would do you good.
    Take it easy.

  3. Yes, I did see the doubled up entry, made me smile!
    We are having a restful evening which is good hope again tomorrow and hopefully not seeing Peterborough again too soon, much as I like it!

  4. I am so sorry about the passing of your Queen. She was such a lovely and gracious lady and one of my favorite world leaders. May she Rest In Peace.
