Tuesday 13 September 2022

Gave myself a talking to!

I have felt better today and have done quite a bit compared to lately. I thought I would catch the bus  to Freeport and then walk home. A lovely morning and the Angels Wings look lovely as I went out.
I had a drink and then walked up the hill as you walk home from the top and the bus stops at the bottom. I called in at Pavers as I have been trying to find some stretchy sandals like the ones I waited some weeks for, I really like them they are so comfortable. They had two pairs in different colours nd also spotted another pair of shoes in the wide section on sale. Bought the spray protector that is why they are sitting on the bins!
The walk back starts t Polly Path, I haven’t been along it for a while.
There are a couple of groups of the strange autumn crocuses in the back garden. Strange because just flowers, no leaves!

This next plant is in a very dry part of the garden and kept wilting but I kept it going and it has quite attractive flowers.
I phoned the hospital to check they are expecting visitors to talk about my sisters care, and then I phoned The Spire and booked my surgery for my hand to be done privately.
I went out and did a bit of garden, having a break to get tea, the bed isn’t completely clear of weed but is a bit less choked!
Didn’t want to be up and down the stairs trying to catch a colourful sunset if there was one, so will finish with non sunset sky!


  1. Hope it was a good talking too? πŸ˜„
    Sounds like you’ve done quite a bit. Hopefully something will get sorted for Margherita, which will take a bit off your mind. Surgery booked too. You really have made the most of your day. Fingers crossed it does the trick and makes things a lot easier for you. It’s something you have to try.
    You’ve obviously decided you’ll be walking more, hope so after getting all those shoes 😊 Polly’s Path is enough to encourage anyone to walk. It’s lovely.
    The leafless crocuses are weird. Very odd to have flowers and no leaves. Mutant garden! The bed you spent time on looks a lot better. One less bit to do before the winter.
    Great pic to end with.

  2. Yes, fairly productive day, will endeavour to keep it up!
    If I can get all the beds to that level I will be happy.
