Monday 19 September 2022

An even shorter entry

I really don’t have a lot to write about. I did take a walk to the sea front this morning as it was a beautiful day. Most of the rest of the day was,I’m front of the tv watching the Queens funeral. I did go and see Sarah and David this evening who have very different views to me but they didn’t keep on about the waste of money etc for too long! So, quite a few se pictures and hopefully more variety tomorrow!

The town was very respectful except for a cafe and a cafe/bar even Hucklebury’s the dog walker cafe was closed. It is in the old shelter by the sea.

1 comment:

  1. I expect a lot of people didn’t do a great deal today. Lots of tv watching. I’m sure you’ll make up for it during the week. You do have some nice sea pics though, so not a total do nothing day.
    I think most places were closed today. A lot did open at 2 and 3 o’clock. Things will start to get back to “normal” soon. It’s been a very odd week.
