Monday 5 September 2022

Bus to Beverley

As the bus pass arrived at the weekend I decided to catch one into Beverley. I need to do a bit more walking so decided to try and walk through the town and over the railway to Flemingate. Not really that far, but a a decent stretch for the knees. Took a few photos, even another puffin as there was one near the Art and Soul shop.

I had to st at the barrier by the railway on the way back.

Came home on the bus, pretty hot again today, so haven’t done a great deal more. Watered a few plants and filled the cans and picked these two fab tomatoes, the only ones on the plant!
I will finish with a very blurred photo taken from the bus. It really is a bad photo but the large while areas were lots of geese!


  1. Judging by the photos it was a lovely day for a trip to Beverley. Some really nice light for your pics, and you have some lovely ones. The puffins are so bright and colourful, and fun too. You northerners do know how to do that sort of thing well. I still find it hard to believe that you get such good in focus pics with your phone, apart from the last one that is 😄
    A fair walk too, so a nice trip out, a bit of exercise and not too much toiling. Perfect.
    The tomatoes are really unusual. I assume they still have to ripen more yet. Be interesting to see what they finally look like.
    Can see the geese perfectly……….ish 😊

  2. I was a nice day, little too warm again, but we had best make the most of it!
    The puffins are really fab, loads at different locations.
