Sunday 18 September 2022

Shortish entry

Went with Darren to the boot sale as usual and ai didn’t buy anything off the stalls at all. Was slightly tempted by a couple of things but talked myself out of it. Darren got some floppy discs which he was very pleased about. Quite a chilly day so I did a couple of puzzles in my magazine. 
After lunch I did go out and loft and pot two Japanese anemones. I had researched plants that could cope with drought conditions but not the level of vicarage drought it seems! So they kept wilting when other plants were coping. Now they are in a three prong planter I had along with a small hollyhock!
Had another short outing with Darren, Tina wants a lift to the memorial gardens where there was a service so we went that bit further to the sea front and had a drink of hot chocolate. It really was pretty chilly and the sea looked cold!

When I was getting dinner Tina spotted a young female pheasant on the wall of the walled garden. We watched her for a bit, she went along to the laburnum tree and stretched up to get the seeds down. A very clever bird. Not great photos as they were taken with the phone through a window.

Almost time for the minutes silence, then I will watch Ridley.


  1. A reasonably quiet day for you then. You both did well this morning to only come back with floppy discs. Usually you manage to find lots of bargains.
    Looks like we might be getting more rain soon, so your garden may well be sodden soon and the plants will be floating away 😊
    The sea does look cold. But I think it’s been a really chilly day today. I’ve had to close windows and put extra clothes on!
    You’re very lucky to get things like pheasants in your garden. Apart from the odd squirrel, I only seem to get pigeons and sparrows.
    Hope you enjoyed Ridley. I’ve still not got around to watching any of it.

  2. Yes, a relatively quiet day and rounded off by the pheasant, although we then worry about the cats being outside!
    Definitely a season change now, a bit of a shock after such a long hot summer, but nice to be able to breath nice clear fresh air!
