Saturday 24 September 2022

Gardening and trip to Driffield

I went out in the garden quite early before the shopping arrived. I managed to get quite a few of the new plants into the front bed and a little more weeding and hoeing. Doesn’t look a lot different but hopefully the new plants will flourish.

Darren had to collect some arrows in Driffield so I went along for the ride and then we went into the town for a coffee and a good mooch round The Yorkshire Tracing Company. Darren got me a really nice jigsaw which I will enjoy doing.
I did do a bit more planting this afternoon but didn’t take photos, hopefully I will have pictures of colourful beds before too long.
Anya sent me a picture of an impressive fungus so will finish with that.


  1. I think the front bed looks really nice. It should after all the work you’ve put into it.
    A little trip out with Darren was nice for you. You’ll get another one tomorrow and a sausage bap too 😊
    That jigsaw looks like it’ll be a devil to do, but I know you’ll enjoy it, if you can find time to do amongst all your other jobs, and if Pandora allows you of course 😊
    That looks a nice fungus. I’ve got some growing on my lawn out back. Wish I knew which ones were edible. Don’t think I’ll take a chance!

  2. No, don’t go experimenting with fungi!
    Making progress with the garden, need to get a bit more done before having surgery on a hand again as that will half gardening for a while.
    An educational jigsaw with all the names of the plants and creatures round the edge, a very nice picture.
