Sunday 11 September 2022

Back to the boot sale

Three weeks since I was off early to the boot sale with Darren. Our usual breakfast hut was closed, but there is another one. This great car was in the car park when we arrived.
We were early and it had parked away from ones already there. That ground was packed when we left! I bought three of the books in the Vera series for a pound each, a real find, and got a dear little wren ornament with a broken beak for 50p!
Darren got me a ‘silly pressie’ yesterday, just need a helium pump now!
I did some household chores and broke down some boxes then a couple of jobs in the garden. Getting frightened to sit down as Pandora is there instantly and stays put at the moment. She gets angry and growls when I want to move….Darren sent me a picture he found of me with Purdy, a cat a had years ago, it could be Pandora. It made me sad as Purdy wandered off when I moved.
The calla lilies I rescued are doing so well in the pots, the red one has new blooms and I love the way the new leaves come out as spirals.

Going to get growled at now as I want to go and make a cuppa!


  1. That great car is a Morris 1000 Traveller. The exact same one as on the jigsaw you bought. The colour is pretty close too. What are the chances? I’m sure you’ll be about to do a little repair on the wren to get it looking right again. Finding 3 Vera books was great. Should keep you going for a little while now. Maybe another 3 next week.
    Pandora does seem rather mor3 clingy than usual. I suppose it’s because you’ve had a few weekends away lately. She’s determined to make you stay put 😊 Pandora does look a lot like Purdy. Cats obviously just like sitting on you or near you. You are the proverbial cat lady!
    The lilies are nice. Both the leaves and the flowers make great displays on their own, and even better together. They certainly look healthy.
    Hope you managed to stay catless long enough to make a cuppa 😊

  2. When I leave a room, she grabs the chair and stays there!
    That is a weird coincidence to see a traveller just after buying the jigsaw!
    Don’t think the rain has arrived yet, but I remain hopeful, the grass is actually becoming green gain now!
