Monday 26 September 2022

Most of the day on buses and in a Hull!

I went to the shops and did a few chores before catching the bus to Hull just after ten. An interesting journey with folk with their feet on seats, a rude lady slamming the window shut near where I sat and a man with headphones on whistling very badly to whatever he was listening to! I went to a couple of stores in St Stephens first and then made my way to Smiths in the Prospect Centre. The shop with the fabulous masks in is there, difficult getting shots because of the reflections. Sadly the parade has been and gone.

I walked into the city to go to Lush as I wanted to try their hair conditioner. After that I thought of catching an earlier bus as my knee was quite painful, but in the end decided to take a walk to Holy Trinity church, had thought I would have a snack in the cafe near the church but it was closed!
Then went to Princes Quay past the funky bridge.
Had a snack in the cafe there, they have a ‘outside’ area, although outside the cafe rather than in the open air. A cheeky pigeon obviously lives in the shopping centre and appeared three times with the staff chasing in off and saying ‘it will be back’. 

I walked a different way back to the bus station and found yet another puffin. A few pics of it as some interesting artwork.

I got back home just after four so quite a long outing. 
When Tina and I had our couple of days away we bought a jigsaw in a tube. I took the picture out today and it looks like it will be near to impossible, but I bought some sorting trays recently and have separated colours as I looked for the edge pieces!

Have been to visit Sarah and David this evening, may try a new drama which starts in a few minutes.


  1. Sounds like a great bus trip, you were only missing the very obese man who keeps farting 😄
    The masks are great. Would have been nice to see the parade with them. You didn’t do bad getting pics of them all things considered.
    The pigeon does look very at home there 😊 Not surprised he keeps coming back, I bet there are a lot of crumbs on the floor, and no doubt some customers actually drop food for him!
    Those puffins were such a good idea. How many different ones were there, and more to the point how many more pics do you need to complete the collection?
    The jigsaw should be a doddle for an experienced jigsawist such as yourself. Plus there’s always the bin as a last resort 😄
    A good drama to sit and relax by sounds a great idea.

  2. An interesting bus trip for sure!
    Yes the masks are great, nice that they leave them on show as a lot of work goes into them.
    There are puffins in Filey and Bridlington and a couple of other places so won’t get to see them all but have see a fair few.
    Have the edges of the jigsaw done now. Not sure about the drama.
