Tuesday 7 December 2021

Getting ready for op2 day!

This morning when I went to feed the birds the sky was amazing but I didn’t have the hen with me and by the time I came in the colour had faded. But, for a change, Anya sent me a picture of the sky inPeterborough!
This morning I changed the bedclothes as I won’t be doing that again for a while! Always a bit of a challenge but good to get it done.
A while ago I bought a small Christmas cactus which has been getting a lot of new growth and now it has quite a spectacular flower. There are a couple more buds appearing too.
I have got the decorations onto the cakes today so that is a good job to have completed as yu do really need two working hands! Even if they don’t arrive at their destinations before Christmas it hopefully won’t be May!
I have packed the sewing machine away for now and have a nice clear bedroom, don’t want to be having my trips!
I will find a coupe more obscure words to finish. may or may not be an entry tomorrow but will be back shortly if not.
Ophidian (adj.): Snakelike; of or pertaining to snakes; showing serpentine qualities.

Calliblephary (n.): A cosmetic for enhancing the appearance of the eyes.


  1. Nice sky in Peterborough. I must have missed that 😊 Unless Anya was up before me. Can’t believe that 😄
    The bed should be ok until about June if you wash regularly! If not then maybe March.
    The cactus looks good. Do they only flower once every two years, or did I dream that?
    The cakes look great. Think I can guess which one is mine. The only reason I look forward to Christmas 🎄
    You’re very well organised for your convalescence. You definitely don’t want too many trip hazards around when you get home. A nice leisurely couple of weeks up until Christmas should see you well on the way to having working hands 😊
    Some of the words are so weird it makes you wonder how they come up with them for the particular meanings. Last night’s clenchfist was descriptive and to the point.

  2. Wow, no idea what happened there. Only did it once, honest!

  3. Wow, lots of deja vu!
    Feeling organised for tomorrow, which is good, trying not to be stressed, hopefully it will ll go as smoothly as the first one.
