Sunday 12 December 2021

A good day, apart from the Grand Prix!

Despite my hand being quite painful today it has been a good day with lovely winter weather. Darren and I did go off to the boot sale, not many stalls and the cafes weren’t open, but I did get a lovely mug and plate, well in the end a cup and saucer as well as they came as a job lot. I think tea and biscuits will be very civilised with this set!
There was a weird mistiness in the car park on arriving, not that clear in the photo.
The sky was quite nice too, Jerald of a good day to come.
We went and had breakfast at Lily’s Beach Cafe so a couple of sea shots!

Home for a couple of hours and then we went to Burton Constable for Darren to take part in his archery event. I had a lovely walk round the grounds, lots of pics with no explanation really needed.

One picture in the shooting session plus one of the winner of the best dressed shooter who they asked me to choose.

We came home without knowing the result of the Grand Prix, just took a picture of Darren in his Christmas jumper before we settled down to watch it.
Lewis was robbed springs to mind, but not Max’s fault just lousy decision making. It will no doubt rumble on for a while now!
Should have mentioned that I got a jigsaw at the boot sale, looking forward to doing this one, although it will probably be tricky as the shaped ones usually are.


  1. Even with only a few stalls it’s still nice to go to the boot sales, and you got some nice things. Both the cup sets are lovely. I like the colours of the cup and saucer, but like the shape of the cup and plate. Both will be nice to use though. Perfect for tea at the vicarage 😊 The puzzle is very appropriate too.
    Nice sky again and the sea looks quite serene and inviting. Bet it’s damn cold though!
    The weather looks quite nice in the Burton Constable pics. Extremely deserted, looks like you had all to yourself. Some great pics. I quite like the one with the two swans.
    The archery event looks like it was fun. You don’t see many archers about with Christmas hats and jumpers on, well you don’t see that many archers to be honest. The one who won really did deserve the best dressed shooter prize. Can’t have been easy shooting that bow while sitting on a leprechauns shoulders!
    The less said about the Grand Prix the better! 🤬😡

    1. It was lovely to walk round Burton Constable again a d the weather was really kind. Only one more boot sale this year so hopefully we will get to that one.
