Monday 27 December 2021

Getting ready for company

Apart from feeding birds and nipping to the shop for milk (no milk delivery today), I have been in. Looking forward to seeing Anya and family, getting dinner prepped and keeping the cats away from the dining room!
Couldn’t have been very with it when I went out early to feed the birds as I thought I would take a Misty morning photo, had really meant it to be out of focus, but somehow it is okay!
Coming back to the house a sight that didn’t start the day well. It wasn’t windy so I think a cat must have jumped on it!
Luckily the actual planter wasn’t damaged but it had been raining and it was a really messy job getting it back up. And sadly I couldn’t find most of the tiny bits of bun moss that I had brought back from the abbey.
Anya, Louis and Isobel arrived soon after three. Had a cuppa and chat and then went to get sorted in there accommodation while I got dinner cooked. After dinner we opened presents and I have a new Fitbit that I can keep on when I start swimming again. 
Pandora has been very unsettled, locked out of the dining room and extra people to contend with.
Normal service is now resumed as the family have gone to their holiday home.


  1. It’s nice to be in some days and I know you’ll make up for it another day. The photo is ok. Yes it’s a bit out of focus, but it only adds to the mist. I like it.
    Oops, that’s a bit of a mess! Not a good thing at the best of times, let alone first thing in the morning. I suppose being on legs like that does make it a bit unstable. If it sit right back to the wall I’d be tempted to drill through and into the wall for a fixing. Might help if another cat de idea to sit on it!
    Glad the Peterborough clan arrived safely and in plenty of time. I’m sure you’ll have a great few days with them. Lots of catching up to do. A new Fitbit sounds good too. You’ve had lots of use from your old one, so I’m sure this one will get plenty of use too. Waterproof is even better, not only for swimming though as I’ve seen how big those waves can get along the seafront! 😊
    I’m sure Pandora will soon get back to her normal routine. Cats do seem to hate change. They like everything their own way! 🐈
    Enjoy your time with the clan.

  2. I am feeling weary this evening but in a good way. May not be feeling like that later if the hand is painful in the night!
    Looking forward to spending some time with the family. Been relaxing with Ed Sheeran, love his new CD.
