Thursday 30 December 2021

Quite a full day

I had an appointment to see a nurse again at the cottage hospital at ten past nine this morning. A different lady but very pleasant who said it seems to be healing okay and the pain could be nerve pain which may fade, but it was worth phoning the hospital and tell them about it, so I will do that. From there I went straight to Anya’s holiday home and we chatted for a while before coming round for the car and collecting Darren to go to the garden centre. We enjoyed looking at all the Christmas decorations, which are now reduced but we weren’t tempted.

We had lunch there and arranged to meet up with Tina at Sewerby Hall. We went to the zoo first as it closed early. A selection of much reduced numbers of photos.

Then off on a virtual dinosaur hunt!

A few other pics before we came home.

I had tea with Anya and family at their place and then Anya and I came back and had a game of Ticket to Ride and a couple of games of Rummy with Darren and Tina. Anya also set up my new Fitbit. Darren walked her home and we will see the family for a while on the morning before they head home. Feeling ready for bed now!


  1. Lovely way to spend our last day. Lucky those dinosaurs didn't eat you!

  2. Let’s hope the nurse is right about the pain reducing. But worth getting in touch with the hospital you never know.
    Can’t believe you didn’t buy any reduced Christmas decorations. Both you and Darren like a bargain.
    Some great pictures, they do have a good selection of animals there. The virtual dinosaur hunt is very unusual. I’ve never heard of that before. Very lucky they took a crazy old lady to pose in the photos with them today 😄 they’re very good though!
    You have a real good selection of nice photos today. It looks as though it was a brilliant day out.
    I’m sure you’ll be tired out from the visit and will need a few days to recuperate. Definitely feet up for the New Year I think.

    1. Anya was finding the dinosaurs, very clever! It was fun being at Sewerby and the rain stayed away while we were there which was a bonus.
