Thursday 16 December 2021

Keep smiling!

I have struggled just a bit with my mood today, a bad night with the left hand with a lot of numbness and pain, hopefully just healing differently but not holding my breath. Lovely to get a photo sent to me by Darren today taken on his way to work at about 7.30 am.
Tina drove us up to Sigglesthorne to the garden centre after she had finished morning prayers. We had a nice breakfast there, marred for me by the fact that my hand went completely numb and I was having trouble keeping hold of the fork! We had actually gone for me to buy another pair of shoes exactly the same as the ones I am wearing now. They are really comfortable which is a real bonus for me. They didn’t have any in stock but there are a couple of pairs at the warehouse so they have ordered me a pair in. I needed new slippers as well and I got these, a two pound donation goes to the NHS so that is good.
Back here for a while and then I walked to the cottage hospital to have my wound checked. It is healing okay but is quite puffy by the wrist. The nurse put a clean dressing on and I will go back next week for the stitches to be removed. After that I walked up to the sea and had a drink.

The new dressing on the hand was irritating my wrist and driving me crazy (didn’t have for to drive me there!). So after the Ringtons man had been I went out to post a letter and then called in at Countdown to get plaster strip and soda crystals! The plaster strip is far less irritating but keeps the wound covered. They had some Tina white poinsettias, in a silly pot but really liked the mini plant.
I decided not to go in the garden today, apart from bird feeding, as I think I over exercises the wrists yesterday. Maybe I will do a bit more tomorrow.


  1. That’s a really nice pic that Darren sent you. I know not everyone likes early mornings, but I think it can be the best time of the day.
    I can understand why you were struggling with your mood. After having one wrist done with no problems and a good outcome it is hard not to be a bit depressed when the second one hasn’t gone quite the same. Hopefully it’s just because it was a different doctor and maybe he did the procedure differently. Only time will tell I suppose, but fingers crossed it turns out as well as the other one 🤞🏻
    Glad you and the Rev got out for a while. Shame they didn’t have your shoes, but at least you have reason to go back again and have another breakfast 😊 The slippers look good too.
    Always nice to get to the seashore. That and a nice hot chocolate drink works wonders.
    The pot isn’t that silly with the poinsettia…..well maybe a little bit. It is Christmas though 🎄🎁🎅🏻
    Glad you decided not to garden today. No point in overdoing it. Don’t go too mad out there tomorrow either!

  2. Feeling a bit brighter now, but another difficult night may change that!
    The day has been okay and I am picking the exercise up a bit after a slow week last week.
