Wednesday 22 December 2021

Early to rise, early to bed?

Rather sadly my left hand is still numb during the night and disturbing my sleep. I got out to go to the loo at what I thought was 6.30 am but realised when I got back to the bedroom that it was actually 5.30 am. But I stayed up anyway and sat in bed doing a challenging crossword puzzle. Anya texted when it was still quite dark to say she was looking at an impressive sky and was mine the same. So I went to look, and it was.
I went out to feed thee birds when it still wasn’t completely light, the moon in the sky was not colourful as I headed to the greenhouse.
But as I turned round it was a different story. So three shots at different levels of zoom.

I have found old photos while I have been sorted, so here is one of me with Darren, although, is that really me?
Tina had ordered some little gem decorations for me to finish the cakes! I put them on while I was waiting for a delivery, and it was quite a challenge. They are jelly like and pressed into moulds and are really tiny, to be handled with tweezers and attracted with veg fat and not the edible glue I have. Getting them out was a challenge in itself, but I got all the cakes finished off with them!
I have a very different Christmas jumper now, Tina had ordered this for herself but it was too small and short but fits me okay, I am quite happy to ‘dare to be different’!
Before lunch I took another bag to the charity shop and delivered a couple of mini Christmas cakes. After lunch I went to see Carol and Sal for a while. I hadn’t been to their apartment before, it is lovely and overlooks the sea. Sal’s brother, wife and little girl arrived as well and after a drink and snacks we went for a walk. The family went on the beach and Sal, Carol and I stayed on the promenade.

Sal gave me a lift home and Tina had dropped me off when I went there so I got off lightly today. I took a cake for Carol and Sal, I know they don’t do a lot of cooking.
This evening the early start and lack of sleep are catching up with me, so don’t think I will be too late to bed, maybe the hand will refrain from being numb tonight but I am not holding my breath. Due to have the stitches taken out tomorrow.


  1. Not a very good sign that the numbness is still a problem. I suppose there’s still time for the numbness to fade, so let’s hope it does. Mega early start to your day then! Although judging from those pics the skies almost make it worthwhile being up so early.
    Love the pic of you and little Darren. Isn’t he a cute little thing 😄 I can see distinctly that Isobel has a great resemblance to you judging from that pic.
    The little gems look like a great deal of faffing, but it does finish off the decorations on the cake nicely. So are they finally totally finished now?
    The Christmas jumper is great. I’d wear it too just for the fun of it. Everyone will definitely think you’ve been inducted into the cult now 😊
    That was good planning, getting a lift there and back to see Carol and Sal. You should do that more often. Exercise, specially walking is totally overrated!
    Hope you get a better nights sleep tonight in readiness for having the stitches yanked out…..sorry I meant gently removed!

  2. A long day and quite a nice one, have only started to feel over tired this evening. I have a book, got it cheaply from Awesome books, great prices and no postage. I have Diamond Queen by Andrew Marr, a hardback and less that three pounds. Have made a start and it is very readable. Not overly looking forward to the stitch removal as the hand is still a bit red and sensitive.
