Friday 3 December 2021

Tooth repaired!

This morning I had my pre operation interview via telephone and the paperwork arrived today as well. Then I had the appointment at the dentist. I saw a new dentist, Alexandra from Poland. She was very chatty, telling me about her cat and then showing me photos of him! She didn’t want the tooth that had come away, just drilled the remaining tooth and just sealed the filling in. But a bonus was that she cleaned and polished my teeth, so sixty pound but hopefully won’t need to go again before my appointment in six months time. I then went and bought a lot of stamps so an expensive morning! I went to Lily’s Beach Cafe for lunch and took pictures of the sea before heading home.

The veggie box had arrived when I got home.
I had started writing Christmas cards last night and have finished that job this afternoon. I have also done a bit more quilting but it is quite tiring so have packed it all away for today.
May do some pedalling if Pandora ever gets off my lap!
Tina has a friend staying tonight so when Darren got home we all went to Lucian’s next door for pizza.


  1. Glad to hear the tooth is now sorted. More expense, but sounds like she did a good job and hopefully you won’t be going back for a while. Definitely an expensive morning if you bought stamps too. They’re not a cheap commodity these day and I know how many cards to tend to send out! Knowing lots of people isn’t always a good thing 😊 Lunch out is always a good thing though. I think it should be law that retirees have to do it at least two or three times a week! The seashore looks a bit gloomy today, but not as bad as it could be.
    Great veg box again. I wonder if the Christmas box will have a special selection of stuff in it.
    You seem to be getting needed jobs out of the way. With any luck you can have a restful couple of weeks once the op is done on Wednesday. More nights out for pizza too 😄

  2. The hand is healing well but still itchy and still some stitches to find their way out. I think it will be almost impossible to see the scar once it is totally healed. Hopefully the next one will go as smoothly. It is good to be getting some jobs out of the way before enforced inactivity is on the cards for a bit.
    I think the
    Christmas veggie box will be just enough for us, not going to be going overboard this year.
