Wednesday 29 December 2021

More family time

Another mixed day and good to be with the family. I had breakfast with Anya at their digs then when everyone was ready we came into the town. Louis and Isobel went off to the sea and the arcade and Anya and I went back to their place and played a game of Rummy. We had lunch there and then we came back here for the car and Tina as we went off to Flemingate in Beverley. We all went to Art and Soul and Anya, Louis and Isobel all really liked it there. After that they went off into Beverley and Tina and I went for refreshment and bought some stuff in Baytree Interiors. They had a buy one get one free on Christmas decorations. I fell in love with the globes with lights in and Tina spotted a lantern that was the same price. When we got to the till they had both been reduced and I still got one free!

When we went up to collect the car the weather had changed and we were greeted with a great sky.

Message to Mike from Tina, wanting you to enjoy so many lampposts!
After dinner we had a couple of games of Rummy, that has been a real hit.
Bit of tv now and then off to bed. Seeing the nurse in the morning to have the wound checked again. If the weather is a bit better we may go to Sewerby tomorrow.


  1. All in all another good day. It’s good to have get togethers like that, make everything more interesting and fun. Sounds like you’re all making the most of the time and doing stuff together, like the games.
    Like the bits you got from Baytrees. Very nice, and a bargain to boot. Even the pig looks happy in the photo.
    Lovely skies again. Great lampposts too. They look like the alien spaceships in War Of The Worlds 😊
    Hope the weather is better tomorrow so you get to go to Sewerby. Hopefully the nurse will give you the all clear on the stitches too.

  2. It seems to have been a busy couple of days, but as you say, making the most of the time together. It has made such a difference them being so close by.
    Very pleased with my bargains and not really clutter! 🤔
