Friday 17 December 2021

Getting ready for 2022!

Today I decided not to venture into the garden. This morning Bel was due to visit me, she checked first that we were still having visitors as the Omicrom is spreading fast. I said we were on for our usual chat and cuppa, but she phoned again when she was due to leave as her electric buggy wouldn’t start. As it had been very frosty and the bird baths were icy we decided that I would go to see her rather that her walk here using her walker. When I left her I walked down the road to post a birthday card and to get something in for lunch.
After lunch I thought about going to Freeport but didn’t really need anything so stayed in nd started to try and get organised in the bedroom. It is very often chaotic as it is bedroom come snack making room come craft area and I have so much stuff that I haven’t got specific homes for a lot of things, then fact that I am not naturally a tidy being doesn’t help! But I have got some stuff ready for the bin and did take one large bag of stuff to the nearest charity shop. In my mind I am going to get on top of it all so that I will start next year being much more productive with the art and craft! How many times have I had that plan?
I went to the door to call Pandora and she was trying to get under a tip on one of the outhouses. She was ignoring my calls so goodness nose what she thought was under there. She did eventually come down!

She came to see what I was up to, I had the storage drawer in the bed pulled out, she always did like getting into it and under the bed! She did it again and I have only just seen that she is out and can shut the drawer before I walk into it!
Lily, who has the seafront cafe has take over Harpers fish and chip shop which opened as Lily on Tuesday. It is s and restaurant so thought I would go and have tea there this evening, today had been dry and a bit chilly but this evening it was damp and chilly!
So, not an overly exciting day but I do genuinely feel like I have made some headway, let’s hope the enthusiasm remains!
My left hand was numb for a good part of the night, but it hasn’t been too bad today, so still not sure how it will end up, but the right one seems to be fine which is the more useful one to me!
May add a couple of obscure words.
Frabjous  (adj.): Wonderfully delightful; joyous; delicious.

Foppotee (n.): A simpleton or dullard; a dimwitted ninnyhammer.
Not very pc that one!!


  1. Seems that you’ve kept quite busy today. Nothing new for you though. I think you going to see Bel this morning was the best option. Although you could have had trouble on the ice yourself.
    Organising is a nightmare. I know it has to be done, but the problem is that no matter how hard you work at it, it never seems to end! You sound like you’re determined to get sorted and a new start in the new year, so I hope your achieve your ambition. Good luck 🀞🏻
    Cats love exploring small dark spaces. The roof gap is perfect for her and probably full of tasty creepy crawlies too! The bed is another great place, until she accidentally gets trapped under there.
    Glad you decided to go out for tea. I was tempted with fish and chips myself tonight, it being Friday and all that, but couldn’t be bothered in the end. I wish I had some nearer sit down eateries to me, but knowing me I’d overuse them 😊
    Pleased to hear the hand hasn’t been too bad today. It’d be nice if it didn’t give you hassle tonight in bed. Fingers crossed.
    I’ve heard the word foppotee before, but I love the word ninnyhammer…..brilliant πŸ˜„

  2. I really intend to be more ruthless this time, but I know I will probably weaken. A good start made though so more tomorrow probably.
    Yes, that is a great word😊
