Monday 6 December 2021

Winter skies

Not allowed out and about for a couple of days now and really cold and miserable outside so no inclination to get into the garde, apart from feeding the birds. That meant I spotted the reddening sky this morning.

I had a disturbed night so was a bit slow off the mark this morning! I did a couple of household chores but then thought I would try and roll out some icing for the cakes. I iced the important gift ones but left the over cooked ones as no urgency for them. Didn’t want to overstrain the right hand which is still healing. Then I used the new cutter I got in Beverley to cut some decorations to finish them off.
I did some crosswords this afternoon, very cold today considering it is damp rather that wintry!
Some colour in the sky again this evening.
I have done a bit of pedalling this evening, best keep those legs moving,
Will add a couple of obscure words to finish today.
Pococurante (adj.) or (n.) 
(adj.): Careless,apathetic, indifferent.
(n.): one who is indifferent to the well being of others.

Clutchfist (n.): A cheap, miserly skinflint.


  1. Some great skies, both morning and evening. Worth being up early for. Looks like you’ve kept busy again. The cakes will look lovely as usual. The new decorations look good. Soon be Christmas now won’t it? Seems to have come round really quickly.
    Wednesday will soon be with us and you’ll have a bit more healing to do. But you’re gradually getting body parts back to normal..ish 😊
    I love the word clutchfist. I’ll try to remember that one.

  2. I thought clutchfist was a great word too, very descriptive.
    Yes, great skies today.
