Sunday 26 December 2021

Quiet day, nice memory

An easy going day today, suiting me at the moment as the short nights means I am a bit more tired than usual. It was cold and wet when I went out to feed the birds early, it makes my day as the blackbirds gather to wait for me to scatter the food. There must be a dozen or more and I do love the blackbirds. Darren asked if I would like to go out for a coffee. Checked Freeport would be open and we went there. The little coffee shop wasn’t open, and some stores were open, others closed. We walked up to the top end near Polly’s Path and the cafe there was open so we had a nice coffee in there. We didn’t go into Pound Stretcher but we did go in The Gift Company. I got the silliest and cutest fairy, here she sits with some little pottery whales that I got from Tina and Darren for Christmas.
I have watched ‘Some Like it Hot’ this afternoon and have been doing some crosswords while listening to Ed Sheeran. I did get a load of washing done and a bit of hoovering, but on the whole pretty idle.
So I will add a couple of pictures taken at this time of year but three years ago, obviously took a late trip to Scarborough.

There is a new Death in Paradise this evening which we all enjoy.


  1. The birds do look forward to you going out there all year round. Would be nice if they only expected it on nice warm mornings!
    Nice of Darren to take you out for a coffee. Makes a little break from the house for a while. The fairy is very cute, and I really like the whales too. Lots of nice things.
    Looks a little bit sunnier three years ago than it did today. It’s been really miserable here.
    Enjoy your program this evening.

  2. Certainly no hint of sunshine today and the wind was bitter!
    Two bank holidays now, all a bit strange. If I write any letters they won’t be collected until Wednesday.
