Saturday 4 December 2021

A tad of gardening!

I had a stack of Christmas cards to post so headed off out before the shopping was delivered. I spotted the sun rising and pulled my phone out along with one of the cards, which landed in a puddle and I trod on it! Oops! Took the picture of the sky and then went on and posted the rest!
I decided to try and clear some leaves near the bird feeders as one of the feeders is missing and I cannot see where it landed. First of all I put a compression glove on my right hand to protect the wound but that was too tight and immediately made it hurt. So I put a  strip bandage over it so that the garden gloves didn’t irritate.  I will put the photos but there is little difference and I didn’t find the bird feeder! I also tidied up the walled garden a bit, but again not a lot to show for it. Nice to get a bit done outside though.

I like the lichen on the fallen branches.
This afternoon I watched some tv and then had a little ply with ideas for making wrapping paper before dinner.
We may try the boot sale in the morning and then I have my COVID test in Hull.


  1. Not a good start to the day, dropping the envelope. Managing to tread on it wasn’t so clever either 😊 In theory the day could only get better after that.
    This horrid weather and all the leaves dropping soon makes a major mess of the garden. Quite depressing really. It’s nice to get a bit done out there though even if it’s not as much as you’d hoped. It does look a bit better, we’ll until the next burst of high winds to blow everything around. Maybe they’ll uncover the lost bird feeder. Amazing how they vanish in a confined space! I like lichen too. It’s good for very close up pics.
    I like the idea of the wrapping paper, but that’s a lot of writing to do! I think newspaper is the best thing for wrapping pressies 😊
    Hope it’s stays fine for tomorrow so you can get to the boot sale, and more importantly your Covid test. You’ll soon have two working hands!

  2. Would have been good to get a bit more done outside as after Wednesday it will be off the cards again, but something is better than nothing.
    Two trouble free hands will be worth it though.
