Monday 20 December 2021

Out a bit today

This morning I got the stuff taken over to the charity shop. Well, not exactly, they were closed today but the lady in the fishing tackle shop next door took them in for me to give them tomorrow. I was going to walk to Freeport and bus back, but because of the peculiar bus times I bused up and  walked home. I took the shopping trolley with me, which was just as well as I did but a few bits in the Pound Stretcher. First stop was for a drink though and they had coconut white chocolate!
After some shopping I set off home going along a wintry Polly’s Path.
Walking home I passed the picture framing shop and they have some great modern sculptures in the window. I particularly like the seagull eating the fish and chips!!
Tina and I both had some banking to do so we had a trip to Beverley. Literally just to go and do the banking, but then to Lidl car park so that Tina could charge the car. I had a wander round while she was waiting for a lady to finish her fast charge.
I have been to see David and Sarah this evening and am now just settling down to watch the second part of a very weird thriller!


  1. Sounds like you’ve kept busy and done a few jobs, so you definitely deserved that gorgeous looking drink! Plus it gave you the energy to walk home. Polly’s Path looks a bit slippery with all those wet leaves. Bet it’s a bit dicey when it’s icy too. I’m a poet and didn’t know it. I love the sculptures in the window. The seagull does look good but I think my favourite is the crab.
    Nice you and the Rev got out for a little drive. Doubt it’ll be many more times now before Christmas 🎄
    Enjoy the drama.

  2. Hoping to get started on another batch of boxes tomorrow, if the mood stays with me!
    Very weird and confusing drama!
