Thursday 9 December 2021

Feeling better and a nice outing.

Will start with a cute picture from a couple of nights ago. I bought Tina a couple of cat cushions last year, one black and one grey like our cats, they live on two pink chairs on the landing. Pandora has taken to sleeping on one now.
I went to bed at 8 pm yesterday and really felt quite unwell. The hand was very sore and also very numb. Luckily, although my night was restless, the hand had eased this morning and I was feeling much better. I walked down the road to post a birthday card and got the phone number for the wound clinic at the chemist. Made the phone call, number 16 in the queue but do now have two appointments, one to check the wound after a week and another a week later to have the stitches removed. After Tina’s zoom meeting we set out for Scarborough to have lunch with Debbie at Olivers Mount and then on to the auction house to collect a painting Tina had bought. The restaurant at Olivers Mount was very festive out front.
Thanks to Tina for that photo and the next four.

We collected the picture, I will try to remember to take a photo of it tomorrow. I managed to take a couple of pictures as we drove round the sea front.

We tried to get the car charged in a couple of places to no avail, the car was very low when we got home so it is on home charge for the night!
We had take away tonight. I am feeling quite tired but otherwise okay.


  1. Pandora always looks comfy wherever she decides to sleep. On the chair occasionally is good though as it gives you a rest. She’ll soon be back on your lap though!
    Glad to hear you’re feeling better today. Hopefully it’ll be easier as it goes along. You won’t know what to do with yourself when they’ve both healed. I bet throwing out the splints might be at the top of the list 😊 Can’t believe you have to go to a “wound clinic” to get the stitches checked and out. In my day that’s what doctors were for, before they decided they didn’t like seeing sick people! Money for old rope now being a doctor!
    The restaurant does look very festive. I hope the meal tasted as nice as the place looks. I do remember it being a great view from up there. I have quite a few pics in my collection. Was going to join several together to make a full panorama, but like a lot of things I never got around to it. Your pics from a moving car are pretty good too.
    Lunch out, takeaway for tea……you’ll forget how to cook at this rate 😄

  2. Forgetting how to cook and never having to do it again, now there is a, vision of heaven!
    A nice trip out, and not stopping me doing anything else at the moment.
