Sunday 1 March 2020

Some old, same old.....

More crafting and gardening, I made a couple more cards last night.
The sky was attractive when I opened the curtains this morning.
When I went out to feed the birds I took a picture of the cowslips, really going to be delightful this year.
The church and trees looked lovely in the morning light.
Darren took me up to the market, we guessed the boot sale wouldn’t be on and we were right, I imagine the field was waterlogged. We had breakfast rolls and a look round some stalls. I sat for a while when we got back and then went out into the garden. Thought I would carry on with the front bed, it has grass and endless self sown poppies and various other things popping through.
Most of the seedlings had to go, I did rescue some, and didn’t damage too many bulbs in my efforts! I can never remember where I took the picture from so the angle of the after is a bit different.
This afternoon I have carried on using up things I have cut or printed and made then into three more cards. Really enjoy doing them and am pleased with these.
Trying a new detective drama tonight.


  1. You really are going to town with the cards. Love the three from tonight, particularly the one on the left. You should have a card suitable for any occasion soon.
    You are keen with the camera. Out taking pics in the very early hours. Worth it though for the nice skies and lovely light in the mornings. Looks great on the church and trees.
    Sounds like you’ve kept busy today. Shame there wasn’t any car boot this morning, but breakfast with Darren on a Sunday is always nice to do. Not sure that coming home to gardening is such a good thing though, although it does look a bit better. Make the most of getting out there while the weather is reasonable. From the forecast it seems we have plenty more bad stuff on the way!

  2. I am enjoying the card making for now, it has been a while since ai have felt really inclined.
    Feel like I am making progress with the garden as well, hopefully I will get out to do a bit more tomorrow.
    Don’t always remember to have the phone with me in the morning when I do the birds, but glad I did today.
