Sunday 8 March 2020

Boot sale and card making

This morning it had been raining and was still a bit damp in the air, so we went a bit later to the boot sale so if nothing was happening we could have breakfast at the market. Our usual breakfast place was open and there were a few soups with their wares and I did get some bits. The tin is empty, but I liked it and I like liquorice Allsorts too! I think the embroidery will be beautiful and a good think to do when I am recuperating.
Darren drove back via the sea front so that I could take pictures! A big fishing competition on this weekend.

Tina sent me an ‘arty’ photo from Mirfield!
I made up a couple of cards from the black colouring pad that I got a little while ago, I had coloured another one yesterday.

Darren took me to the garden centre this afternoon. We had coffee and cake and bought compost, not tempted by anything else which is probably a first!
I made a couple more cards before getting dinner, this time I used an embossing folder that I bought on Thursday.
A nice sunset when I was getting dinner.

Had a bad night with the knees and hands last night, knee has been pretty sore all day but hoping for a better night tonight!


  1. Looks like you’ve kept reasonably busy today. Handy have Darren there to run you around. Breakfast or cakes and he’s anybodies 😊 Quite good getting an embroidery kit that originated in Stamford. Think you’ll have loads of things to keep you occupied while you’re recovering. Don’t think you’ll need to make many cards though as you’ve been on a run with those. Like all those you’ve posted tonight. Quite like Tina’s funky one too. The sunset ones take the prize I think, and a nice way to finish of the blog.

  2. Been a fairly quiet day but have kept occupied so it has been good.
    Pleased with the cards, I use them as note cards quite often so they will get used.
    Yes, it has been nice getting out with Darren a couple of times, and I have the compost now to get the plant stand I bought a while ago ready for flowers.
