Tuesday 10 March 2020

Good bit of gardening!

This morning I thought I would tackle the front corner of the front garden, didn’t take a ‘before’ picture, which is a shame as I spent a couple of hours, loads of weeds, especially under the fir tree and I also got the edging tool out!
I took a couple of photos of the willows in the garden as they have their catkins.

I caught the bus up to Freeport this afternoon for no particular reason. Just bought a few sweets and had a coffee and then caught the bus home. While I was getting my tea the sky became very stormy.
I did do a bit of colouring last night but will take pictures when I have made them into cards.


  1. That bit of garden looks really great. Doing the edgings makes such a difference too. Hope you didn’t wear yourself out doing it. I bet you had a few comments from passers by while doing it as it would be very difficult not to notice how nice it looks. I do like to see the willow trees too, but I think they’ll be a few years before they catch up with the gorgeous one in my park.
    Don’t think you need a reason to go to Freeport. I think the gardening deserved a nice coffee and a few sweets 😊 Love the stormy sky pic. You do manage to get some cracking silhouettes. Keep ‘em coming as you know how much I like them.
    Hopefully your evening involves a bit of feet up, telly and sweets.

  2. Sometimes it is difficult to see where I have been working, although I know how many weeds etc I remove. But today it was very satisfying.
    Both cats were put in the garden with on and off, chasing each other quite a lot of the time!
    Nice little bus trip there and back, hopefully will get back to walking there by the late summer!
    It brightened up again after that stormy picture, just caught it at the right time.
