Wednesday 11 March 2020

Eagle cleaning and gardening

Last night I made up one card from the black colouring pad, I have a couple more still to make.
This morning I went into church early with Tina and started more eagle cleaning while she took morning prayers. I worked hard and when I was close to the eagle it looked much better, from a distance I suppose the improvement does show but it is slow progress.

I decided that I needed to start using a duvet at night as I have used sheets and throws for years, but because I fidget so much at night it all gets in a tangle. Also I think it will be easier after surgery. I bought some bedding at the factory shop and a nightie! A job to find a t shirt nightie, plenty of old lady ones around!! This one is quite cute and was only £5.
After lunch Tina drove me To the garden centre where I managed to get a nice quilt at a good reduced price. I have made the bed up this evening.
This afternoon I got out in the garden for a while and started on the side bed, a lot of ground weed.

You might be surprised how much rubbish I removed, the garden bin that was emptied this morning is now almost full again! So a fairly productive day.


  1. The eagle definitely looks better now than in the pics when you first started. As you say though a very slow job. Worth it though.
    Talking to you earlier about t shirt nighties had made me remember that my neighbour Ted wears one of those for bed! It’s a very feminine flowery one which I’ve seen him in a couple of times. Not a pretty sight 😊
    Like your new bedding. I hope you get on ok with it tonight. So much easier than sheets and blankets, as long as it doesn’t slip off in the night.
    You really are on a mission to get the garden presentable before your surgery. It does look so much better when it’s been weeded. Shame there’s so much of it though. Would have be much easier in Scarborough!
    That’s another great card by the way.

  2. Making headway with the garden, but quite a lot hasn’t had any attention yet! Hopefully the weather and the knees will play ball so that I can get a bit more done.
    Very pretty bedding, so hopefully it will make life easier as well.
    Really enjoying the colouring sheets.
