Saturday 29 February 2020

Bit more gardening and craft!

This morning when I got back with the shopping the cats, who still don’t see eye to eye used the back to play peek a boo!
I bought myself some flowers when I was out and put them in a bucket, then promptly forgot about them. Was reminded when Tina came in with some flowers when she got home this evening. So a picture a bit later. I went to a coffee morning in the parish hall, just a few people but very nice tea and cake!
I have been struggling with the knee pain today so walked to the chemist for more pills and gel. It did ease up a bit so I went out to do a bit of tidying in the front garden.
Firstly needed to clear the path to the garden bin as it has become a bit of a challenge as I am usually pulling a truck full of stuff up there!
Then a bit of a tidy along the path at the front. It doesn’t look like I moved much but I know I have removed a good bit.
This afternoon before I went down to get dinner I assembled a few more cards. I have so many started bits and pieces it is time to actually have some cards to send!

Lastly the flowers are now in a vase!


  1. The cats love each other really, just in very small doses 😊 I think every day should have a coffee morning in the parish hall. Sounds a great way to start things off, specially if tea and cake are involved!
    Walking to the chemist to get remedies for a bad knee sounds quite counterproductive. You should send a younger person from the same household to do it for you. Anyway, hope they helped take away some of the pain.
    The garden is coming on. Hopefully you’ll get it all ship shape before the op. You can then watch all the weeds grow again while convalescing. It’ll drive you mad!
    You’re doing well with the cards. You’re getting quite a collection now. I really like the ones with the grasses on. Very nice. Don’t do too many more now as I’m sure you’ll be glad of something like that to do when you’re laid up ☹️
    Nice flowers. Fancy forgetting them. They say your memory is one of the first things to go......not much hope for me then!

  2. It did seem a bit counter productive at the time but it eased a bit on the way back.
    I do feel like I am beginning to get to grips with the garden again. Got a few weeks yet so hopefully can get a good bit more today.
    I am enjoying making up a few cards, I borrowed that grass stamp and really like it, may have to see if I can buy it!
