Monday 16 March 2020

What a day!

This day has just become even more of a challenge, I have just written a really long section and had some photos, publishing it as I go as I do these days as it keeps throwing me off. Today it blanked out but took everything I had published with it! Very frustrating indeed. Since then it has stopped me trying to add anything to the blank page several times. So now I will try again, but leave it picture free today, as I want to make an entry but it won’t take a lot for me to give up!
Was going to start with a card I made last night from black peel offs and black card that I got at the market yesterday, maybe a picture tomorrow.
Today was pre op day and I have been thinking I should check that I am still 5’2”. I tried to measure myself and it seemed I had shrunk considerably and if I was right would make the BMI limit. Tina measured me and thought I hadn’t lost quite so much but it was still going to be a close call. Sarah picked me up at 9.30am and we had a good journey into Hull arriving with loads of time to spare. Just was well as I then had to fill in a very long on line form on a small tablet, not helping the stress levels at all. The pre op was long, many questions, ECG, bloods explanations about the MRSA treatment I had to do for five days before admission. Blood pressure taken three times, once lying down and twice while standing.then they said that my blood pressure was very high, too high for surgery! Suggested I got a doctors appointment today to get on medication. (I was secretly thinking ‘good luck with that’!) the nurse did a letter with the measurements in to give to the doctor. Sarah and I had been going to go for lunch as I hadn’t had breakfast, but in the end she drove us back to Hornsea and straight to the surgery. Amazingly I did get an appointment for this afternoon and saw a really lovely doctor who has prescribed medication and wants me to monitor my blood pressure daily and see her again next Monday. The nurse had said that the surgery may be put back but I would not go to the bottom of the list! So what with that and Coronavirus the prospect of surgery next week is in the balance.
I did walk to the sea after leaving the doctors and also the memorial garden where I needed a sit down as my knees are really bad today. Did take photos but not chancing losing all this explanation again!
Tina suggested the three of us have seafront fish and chips this evening, which was nice. Now I will just try to get my leg comfortable. Have been told not to take anti inflammatories now before the surgery.
I am hoping the blogging app will play ball tomorrow!


  1. Luckily I was on here as you were uploading and I saw the pic of the card and the two of the sea before they disappeared. So that was lucky.

    Your version of the black colouring sheets looks really nice (when the pic was on here). Should be easy enough to get more off of Amazon. You’ll need plenty to do if Boris is going to make you stay indoors for 12 weeks! And that doesn’t even include recuperating from the op. You’ll be crawling the walls, knee permitting!
    Your day does sound a bit stressful, and probably added to the high blood pressure. At least the BMI was good, even though you thought you’d shrunk more than you had, so that’s one box ticked at least. You did really well to get a doctors appointment straight away too. Most doctors aren’t even taking appointments without telephone triage first. Hopefully the pills will do the trick and the delay won’t be too long. Does sound as though all these events are ganging up on you right now ☹️
    At least the sea looked nice (when the pics were on here) and it was a nice afternoon. Somebody was looking down on you at least with the weather. Maybe to say thanks for cleaning his eagle 😊 Hopefully he’ll extend his gratitude to include the go ahead for the surgery too!
    Fish and chips by the sea cures most things, but after the day you’ve had, and the internet fairies, I think you could do with a strong drink too 😊 Never mind, tomorrow is a new day. Start again fresh.

  2. It was weird the whole thin disappearing, I am usually okay if I publish and the edit as I go. Just the finishing touch to one of those days!
    Hopefully the pills will do the trick, all I can do now is hope for the best.
