Saturday 7 March 2020

Little planting, more cooking!

This morning I went and got shopping in early ready to do a bit of batch baking later. Then I went into the Coffee Stop in the parish hall and met Lunny, that meant that I could give her a birthday card for next week. Yesterday John left quite a lot of primulas for us as his garden is overflowing with them. It rained early but brightened up so I did manage to get them planted. Just took a picture of them still under the bench at the front of the house.
I have spent pretty much all afternoon batch baking, there are now two varieties of cottage pie and some fish pie in the freezer. But what a lot of clearing away there was! My knees are not too happy.
Talking of knees reminded me that I have received a date for the surgery today. 26th March so not that long now. I went out to take a picture of the sun just going down, not colourful pictures but went out again a bit later. Short on pictures today!

Will watch the final of The Greatest Dancer tonight.


  1. Sounds like you’ve actually done a fair bit today. I thought it would be a taking it easy day as I know how much trouble the knee has been lately, but I should have known you’re not really one for sitting about. Great news that the appointment has come through. Sooner you get it done the sooner you can start re overlong and eventually getting around a lot easier.
    That’s a lot of batch baking, and a lot of spuds to peel too! Clearing away and washing up are always the worst bit of cooking. You should leave all that for the recipients of the pies you made. Seems a fair swap to me 😊
    You may have been short on pics, but the last one is a cracker. Really like that.
    Enjoy a bit of feet up time tonight.

    1. Re overlong! Come on spell checker I meant recovering! Doh!

  2. Bit achy tonight but good to have got some freezer meals done.
    Maybe I will get the plants we bought yesterday into the garden tomorrow.
    Time will soon tick away to operation day now.....
