Wednesday 25 March 2020

Bits and bobs

Today has been quite varied but good, I am quite content not going out. I went to get the garden bin in this morning and spotted this tulip that looked like a lily at first glance!
This morning Tina had to get some things from church and let an electrician in to do some work. She has been streaming morning prayer from the dining room since she as old that the church must close. Before that she printed off a quiz sheet for me from Peterborough Parkinson’s, I got all the questions right on the last one but wasn’t picked out of the hat for a prize. I sat and started to get some of the answers. Did another load of washing and got it all out on the line. For two days now I have got washing dry outside which is great.
I have been making a lot of cards lately and thought it would be nice to send some out to friends and family so sat and wrote some before Tina went to the shops. She posted them for me, luckily we got stamps the other day and I still had some 
Christmas ones left. The stamps have increased in price again this week! While she was out I pruned the fire thorn bush, it is viscous! As I was taking cuttings up to the garden bin I could feel blood running down my leg where it has stabbed me!
After lunch I went out into the garden and thought I would carry on with the bed I have worked on for the last couple of days. But I had reached a piece I hadn’t previously worked on and it was pretty hard going, so although I did my hour or so it didn’t seem like a lot. A lot of roots like the first attempts I had when we moved here.

When we were at Lidl a while ago we got some unusual pasta so I said I would make a pasta bake for us all this evening. It had a different texture but we quite enjoyed it.
I have been out watering some of the plants tonight as the ground is as dry as a bone in some areas and the flowers are wilting! Nice coloured sky behind the trees. I have a box of craft stuff to sort through this evening so will do that for a change and listen to some music.


  1. Like the tulip with the red tips, very nice.
    Another busy day for you again. At least this lockdown isn’t effecting you too much as you have plenty to do in that garden. Make the most of it while the weather is nice. No doubt it’ll go downhill like everything else in the world seems to be doing! Hope Tina is putting in a good word with her boss!
    Bet you wish you had a pound for every one of those roots you’ve dug out since you’ve been there. The bit you did today though looks very nice.
    That pasta is unusual. It actually looks more like pot purée than pasta. Could account for the different texture!
    Enjoy a bit of sorting.

  2. Certainly keeping occupied at the moment, but actually feeling pretty tired this evening.
    May try and get some of the plants we bought into that latest bit of clearing, needs something to make it look like a flower bed now, but ai had had enough by the time I cleared away today.
    The colours of the pasta faded quite a bit when cooked.
