Saturday 14 March 2020

Getting crafty!

Yesterday evening I made up three fairly simple cards using the black colouring pad images. I have ordered another pad with different images
I also started decoupaging one of the pretty set of boxes I got in Beverley.  Not the best photo, clearer in the finished picture.
This morning I went round to the coffee morning in the parish hall then I cane back and finished off the hexagonal boxes and started covering an oval one made of brown cardboard.
Took one at a different angle to show that the box is quite dark originally.
I went to see Sarah and David for a while, Sarah is kindly taking me to the hospital for my pre op appointment and we needed to make arrangements. Then this evening Darren and I went down to the sea front and had fish and chips in the car. Didn’t take any pictures as it has been a grey day and wet this evening, so by six it was pretty dark. Since I have been back I finished the oval box and have done the lid of a small rectangular box. I had one small napkin that had a crow on it brought back from America last year. Tina and I both love the crows and I though it was time to use it!
Have cleared the tissue etc away for now. I am not sleeping at all well and feel really tired this evening, but will try and wait until a sensible time to get to bed!


  1. The black colouring pad was a great success, I’m looking forward to seeing what you get on the next one.
    I really like decoupaged boxes and the paper you’ve used lends itself to it well. They look lovely. The paper on the cardboard box is really funky.
    Fish and chips at the front even on a miserable evening is still really nice. Always tastes so much better by the sea.
    Really like the crow. Very unusual to have on a napkin.
    Hopefully you’ll get a better night tonight. Fingers crossed anyway 🤞🏻

  2. It is really good to have the inclination to do more craft and I am getting to listen to some cds as well!
    I like doing the decoupage boxes, a very satisfying craft and they are nice as gift boxes as then are unique.
    Yes, a very unusual napkin with that great crow on it, will keep that box!
