Friday 27 March 2020

Orchids galore!

This morning I did a Jane Fonda exercise dvd while Tina love streamed morning prayers and then we went into the Parish Hall to move tables about and stack chairs out of the way as Sigglesthorne garden centre were donating all of their flowering house plants to the town to be distributed! They were going to stand in the parish hall for 72 hours to make sure of no infection and then it will be working out now to get them distributed! They weren’t actually being delivered until the afternoon so I went out into the garden for a while to carry on where I had left off yesterday.
Rob was working on dismantling the steps and said he would use the slabs to make a path by the greenhouse. I had visualised just a couple of slabs, he used them all and obviously thinks my legs are as long as his! Tina is threatening to take a video of me negotiating them!
I thought I could use some of those turfs to make a path where ai have been working.
The flower delivery was at about 2.30pm so we went across soon after lunch. The plants were on several wheeled racks, the staff got them off the lorry keeping well away from us and we wheeled them into the hall. They will come back for the racks when we get in touch, but there is no rush. So many beautiful orchids and lots of other plants too.
I went back out into the garden again and have started on the path, but enough is enough for one day!
Darren’s birthday soon and Tina and I have clubbed together to get him a target for practice as his archery has been cancelled for now. The big black thing you fire into is huge so no way we could hide it. It arrived yesterday and Darren assembled the stand and tonight he went out for a trial run. Very cold out there this evening!
I have done some watering with the cans this evening, including the turf path! Pretty tired now so not planning on much more activity!


  1. Starting the day with an exercise video would finish me off! You are keen. Quite a busy day altogether after reading all that you’ve done. That’s a huge chunk of garden you’ve managed to get cleared recently. It really is going to look good out there this year. Wasn’t too shabby last year from what I remember. The slabs look good how he’s laid them. Please make the video of you long jumping from one to the other πŸ˜€
    The step removal looks a lot of work. You’re making good use of the slabs and the turf though. Waste not want not.
    Blimey, that’s a lot of plants. Make sure you get first dibs of a few for the beds you’re clearing.
    Great idea getting Darren the target. Seemed a shame not to have one when you have such a big garden, more so now his practice sessions have been cancelled. Think you’ll need a written rota for who gets garden time. You don’t want arrows whistling by your ears when you’re weeding! Good burglar deterrent though, and handy for stray cats 😈🐈

  2. A busy day, but something to show for it which is good. Pandora loves me being outside so much as she loves to be out and about but keeps coming back to check in with me!
    It is the short version of the fitness video and it is aimed at crinklies! Only twenty minutes in total including the stretches.
    It is a lot of plants, very lovely some of them are too.
    Darren is pleased with the archery stuff, will help him keep his hand in. Will try to avoid the arrows though!
