Sunday 29 March 2020

Lazy day all round!

I haven’t done a lot today, trying to rest up the hands which were particularly bad last night, probably not helped by a couple of days of harder gardening! I did go into the parish hall with Tina a few times as we had people coming by appointment from care homes to collect the donated plants for residents and staff. Quite a few have now gone to new homes and we are expecting more people tomorrow. Really good, and they will bring a real bit of joy to some of the elderly folk that are now isolated.
Back home the cats have felt lethargic too, one on my rocking chair and the other on my bed!!
I did bring a yellow orchid home as I thought I would attempt to paint it. Not a challenge at all, especially as I had no white water colour pint, but did have some white acrylic!
May make it into a card, as I have many sketches I have done which never again see the light of day!
Tina has challenged me to a game of Scrabble this evening, so that will make a change.


  1. I’m sure the gardening played a big part in the hands playing up. No doubt you’ll be back out there again at the earliest opportunity. Tut tut!
    I think the garden centre donating all the plants was a great idea. As you say they’ll cheer a few people up. Would have been a shame for them to have all died off in the shop.
    I think the yellow orchid painting looks great. Definitely a good idea to use it on a card rather than hiding it away in a drawer somewhere.
    I’ll be interested to hear who wins the scrabble this evening. Have fun.

  2. May get card making tomorrow, although could do with being a little more energetic!
    The carers who came to collect the flowers were all so happy to be able to brighten the loves of their home residents. We had a home career come to collect flowers to take with her on her visits. A nice way to spend some time today.
