Monday 2 March 2020

Busy and varied day

This morning I wanted to go to the post office so set off for a longer walk than I have had in a while. Got there okay and made it up to the sea front, haven’t got there under my own steam for weeks now. Sat and had a cup of tea and took a fairly unusual photo from where I sat.
Took a couple more, lovely sunshine. It had been really frosty first thing but turned into a beautiful day.

When I got home I got out into the garden for a bit, back to that front bed!
Over half the front bed tidied now. The back of the bed is grass which took some removing.
I had some lard and am almost out of coconut feeders so made up a new batch.
I went out into the summer house for a bit this afternoon, did get some bird pictures. The first tow of the blue tit and not very clear as I had the cameras on very long zoom as it was on the distant feeder.

Didn’t zoom quite so much on this one so the starling is clearer!
This next one is a chaffinch, again some distance away, and you will have to take my word for it as it is more of a silhouette.
Two nice ones of a great tit.

A blue tit on a different feeder.
Wasn’t sure what bird this was to start with, wrong beak for a sparrow, decided it was a slim dunnock!
Before going to visit Sarah I started some demonstration pieces for the class on Friday.
I have done more steps than I have since November so that is a good end to a pretty good day.


  1. Great start to the day having tea by the sea. A nice set of pics too. The first one is really good with all the different shadows and the lights and darks. Always good to catch the spray from the sea too.
    Does looks like you had some nice weather. Plenty of sun on the front garden. Not that there was much chance of you getting cold while pulling all those weeds out!
    Feeding the wildlife is like having a production line 😊 They definitely are totally spoilt. The first bird pics aren’t bad at all for a long zoom. You certainly made up for it on the other bird pics, apart from maybe the chaffinch. Some really nice ones there.
    After all that you still find time to do craft stuff and go out visiting people! I only walked to a shop and I was feeling breathless! You obviously lead a healthier lifestyle than me....which isn’t difficult 😊
    As you say a pretty good day. Just don’t go trying to beat your step count again tomorrow!

  2. I am feeling more inclined to get on with things, I think I have shaken off my spell in the doldrums.
    It was good to make it to the sea, especially on such a bright day.
    Good to take some pics in the garden too, we certainly get a good variety of birds.
    I doubt I will reach the number of steps I have done today for a while, but you never know!
