Thursday 19 March 2020

Eagle cleaning and gardening

I went into the church after morning prayers to have another go and getting the eagle lectern looking more like brass and less like lichen! Close up I think it is great, then from a distance it still doesn’t shine as I would like it too, but at least it doesn’t look green now. I will have one more go hopefully before the surgery.
Getting there!
I did some household chores and then Tina went and got us lunch and we watched a bit of Bargain Hunt. This afternoon I went out into the back garden and started on the bed with the tree stump in, just to tidy it up but did put a few bulbs in as well.

Then I made a start on the bed that has the fruit bushes in and had the courgettes in last year. Really overgrown this one so gave up after a while!
So a fairly busy day and more sorting this evening then maybe letter writing,


  1. The lectern definitely looks a lot better than it did. Maybe a very fine wire brush on a dremel would be the answer in combination with the Autosol. Maybe worth a go as it would get into the very fine detail easier. But as I said, it looks way better than it did anyway.
    Sounds like you’ve kept yourself pretty occupied. The bits of garden you’ve done look good. Can see why you gave up on the second bed, it looks like bloody hard work! Bet you finish it tomorrow though knowing you.
    Have fun sorting, if that’s possible!

  2. A productive day really, which is always good. Nice to be getting a bit done in the back garden as there are still a lot of rough areas that soon get out of hand, especially with the better weather coming, hopefully! Been lucky to have a drier spell to get the gardening done.
