Wednesday 18 March 2020

Sorting the freezer and cooking!

I am staying in quite a lot, it was a damp grey day today so not gardening weather. I did pop to the shop for flour and one or two other bits, not a lot of people around again. The bed with the magnolia tree in is looking lovely, the primulas were ones that the council discarded last your, and now the flowers on the tree are opening.
I tidied the freezer a bit so that I could store the ready meals I have made together. Took out some fruit from last year, strawberries and blackberries, some sausage meat and lamb to put in the slow cooker for my tea. I bought turkey mince yesterday and was going to make lasagne for Darren and Tina with extra portions for the freezer. Got plenty of veg over the road and then spent quite a time preparing and cooking the lasagne and a fruit crumble, also got the slow cooker on.
Tina came in about 2 pm when I had just about finished all the clearing away, so we had a late lunch and then she drove us up to Freeport to get a few bits at the Pound Stretcher. We did have a coffee and Tina was meeting one of her colleagues for a quick chat. When we got home I quickly made up a small batch of pastry to use the sausage meat I had got out to defrost! Darren and Tina both really like sausage rolls so they are going down well.
The pre assessment team at the hospital got in touch to get another update on my blood pressure. If it stays the same or hopefully a little better it should be fine for surgery providing I don’t decide to peak on surgery day!
Back to sorting this evening for a bit.


  1. Gardens always look better when they are damp. The magnolias and primula look lovely and add a great bit of colour.
    Looks like you’ve kept pretty busy even though it wasn’t gardening. Bet the house smelt nice with all that cooking going on. I’m sure it all went down well with Darren and Tina too. The lasagne and crumble look really nice. Could happily eat a chunk of each right now 😊 I doubt those sausage rolls won’t last too long either. If there are any left I bet a couple will go to work with Darren tomorrow.
    At least you got out for a little while today, so not totally couped up for the whole day.
    Good news with the blood pressure and surgery. Fingers firmly crossed it all continues that way for a week.

  2. I have kept busy, which is good, not too much time to dwell on anything.
    Enjoying going through the cds again as well while I potter.
    Lovely to see a few flowers on the small magnolia, I think the one in the back garden only has one flower, but they should both do well this year and grow a bit now they are not in pots.
