Friday 20 March 2020

Housework and picnic lunch!

This morning I did some housework, thought the vacuum needed some exercise! Took some food waste up to the garden bin and noticed the pretty flowers were opening on the front lawn.
Tina is having quite a time of it one way and another so we made up a flask and picnic and she drove us to the canal near Driffield. Two people were leaving when we arrived but we had the place to ourselves, enjoyed our lunch on a bench near a loch and then drove home. No contact with anyone and it was a really nice little break. A beautiful day and I too k a few pics. The last one was as we were about to leave.
The water was so clear!
This afternoon I did a good hour on the bed I started yesterday, didn’t take a ‘before’ picture and it doesn’t seem like a lot more done!
The sky was nice while I was getting tea.
More closures this evening, really strange times. I am still battling with the blood pressure, I think worrying about it is keeping it high!!


  1. Think my vacuum needs some exercise too, but it can rest a little longer. I don’t want to wear it out!
    What lovely idilic little place to go for a picnic lunch. I’m very envious of you both. I’d have loved to have sat there for a while. Looks really nice weather for it too. Almost summer like.
    I think you’re doing well with that bed. The weed on it looks really thick so I imagine it’s a nightmare to dig. Specially for someone with bad knees!!!!! It’s getting there though.
    Sorry you’re still having blood pressure woes. As you say it’s a bit of a catch 22 situation with it. Maybe a couple of glasses of scotch before taking it might help 😊

  2. Very lucky that other people didn’t have the same idea! Perfect.
    The bed has never been properly done, I have just kept it ticking over, but the soil isn’t too hard so the digging isn’t so bad, but some of the roots are so long I couldn’t shift them!
    Going to try and stop worrying about the blood pressure, what will be will be!
