Monday 30 March 2020

Flowering plants all re-homed

Not a great deal to write about today. I took a picture of the sky yesterday evening, I have taken similar ones before but there was a pink tinge to the sky this time.
Tina and I went round to the parish hall on three separate occasions today and all of those wonderful plants have been collected, so there will be lots of vulnerable and elderly folk who will have received a lovely unexpected gift over the last few days. We organised it on an appointment basis and were very conscious of social distancing and keeping everybody safe.
My knees have been getting really painful as I have not been taking actual walks although I have remained reasonable active. So today I walked round the garden for twenty minutes and will try and make a habit of it now. I was very slow today but hopefully the knees will get a bit more flexible again and I can try going a bit faster!
I had run out of coconut feeders for the birds and had enough ingredients left to make another batch. Will put lard and bird seed on a shopping list for Tina later in the week!
I sat out on the bench for a while before Darren came home and both of the cats came out with me. There was some disagreement between them who would sit by me, in the end Blue went and waited near the front door and Pandora got behind me!
I have made the orchid painting into a card this evening, but will carry on with some sorting as I have been going through things on and off during the day.


  1. You can never have too many pics like that. Everyone is slightly different.
    It’s great that all the flowers went. So much better than them being left to die. I’m sure they’ll get looked after well in their new homes.
    I think walking around the garden is a great idea. If I had a garden like yours I would too. Try to take a different route each day though as you don’t want ruts in the lawn!
    The coconut feeders always look delicious. Not so good if you took a mouthful I wouldn’t think! But as long as the wildlife like them that’s all that matters. They are spoiled.
    Like the card with the painting. So much better than going in the drawer for a few years.
    Enjoy your evening.

  2. It is good that the flowers were all taken, the people that collected them were all so grateful.
    Must try and keep to walking as I don’t want to seize up before I actually get to the surgery!
    Think the card works okay. It was too big to put in a cut out card, will do some smaller paintings.
