Friday 3 January 2020

Very dodgy knee day!

My knees have both been quite sore for a while now, but the left one, which has been the less problematic before has now gone into overdrive. I walked to the post office this morning, very slowly, as it was difficult not to limp. Went up to the cafe for a drink before I crept home so took one picture of the sea.
Quite a grey day. Yesterday I received some more flowers, this time from Rachel and family. They are lovely and the large blooms are still in bud so will be enjoyable for a good while.
As my leg was really painful Tina suggested I went and rested on the recliner, she fetched my book and iPad but I couldn’t concentrate and ended up going to sleep for a good while. Not at all like me, the leg felt a little easier as I was comfortable on the recliner. 
I did make some pastry and made large pasties with beef potato and mushroom in, we had them with tasty gravy this evening.
The dip was apparently on Calendar news last night and the HUG group were central to the action. Jacky, one of the team sent me a couple of still from it.

No plans to do anything that involves walking around this evening, pills and rest are the agenda tonight!


  1. It really sounds like a few days of taking it easy might be called for. Not your normal 5 mile hikes dragging a shopping trolley! A bit of time around the house with lots of telly thrown in sounds the best bet. You’ve a few hectic weeks lately. I know how much you hate falling asleep in the chair, but it can be nice at times.
    The pasties look very nice, and quite large. Bet they tasted great smothered in gravy. I may have to make some myself another day.
    You’ve done well for photos and videos of the dip, and it looks like you’re even famous on the telly now 😊
    Nice bunch of flowers from Rachel. Bet they make the room smell good.

  2. Staying off the feet for a while is in order, must have been tired to go off to sleep, maybe I will sleep better tonight!
    The flowers are lovely, the red roses are still surviving too, though almost at the end of their time.
    Good to have evidence of the dip!
