Sunday 19 January 2020

Busy doing nothing!

I was busier yesterday and suffered for it last night, so have really stayed off the legs today and watched tv and did a bit to the jigsaw. Firstly a picture of Pandora zonked out on my foot stool last night.
Today she decided that the jigsaw looked very interesting and maybe I needed a helping hand!
Darren and Tina arrived home from their trips in the early hours so we have all had restful days today, Tina and I get a very easy meal together and later we will watch the Potter Throw Down and Vera. The jigsaw is going quite well despite the assistance!


  1. It’s nice that you’ve had a lazy day, but not so good that it’s enforced and not wanted. Hopefully it’ll help though and tomorrow won’t be so bad.
    Perfect place for Pandora to sit, right in the middle of it. Cats are so helpful 😊 It does look slightly more enjoyable than the last one though.
    Enjoy your programs.

  2. I haven’t felt like doing much so the day has been okay.
    The programs were good, some amazing chess sets in the Throw Down.

  3. Ceramic chess sets sound good. I’ll look forward to seeing that.
