Thursday 30 January 2020

Early start

We were all out of the house by seven this morning, Darren was off to work and Tina was taking me to Spire hospital for my early appointment to see Mr Johnson the orthopaedic consultant. Pandora has been shut in the office last night, I had missed her as she is usually coming to see me from the early hours, today we found her and then disappeared for the day, the cats have been having a few more spats lately so luckily Blue decided to go out so we weren’t leaving them together all day.
We did hit some heavy traffic on the way to Hull but were at the hospital in good time. Mr Johnson was a charming man, gave me a good examination, went through the options and pointed things out to us on the X-rays. Tina came in with me. He did a good job of talking me out of the injection route so am now due to have a knee replacement in April although the date has not been arranged yet. Interestingly my right knee has been a problem for twenty years or more but the left one is due for surgery as that is the one giving me most pain at the moment. The Spire is a private hospital and that is where I will have the operation. When we were leaving there was a view of the Humber Bridge, would be great if that is the view from the ward!
The rest of the day was quite busy, and my knee was playing up about after the examination. We went into Hull, Tina wanted to make an appointment at the bank which she did and then went to two different phone shops to see about a new phone for work. In the second one she had a very helpful lad and we were there some time as she bought one but had lots of options etc to sort out. The shop had no chairs but she asked if he could bring one for me, which he did, I was grateful as we were there quite a long time. 
We went and had lunch at the Panini Cafe that I had been to a couple of times, Tina thought it was good value there too. Then we went off to Tina’s dentist as she had an appointment today, that is on the outskirts of Hull. After that we headed for home but stopped for tea and cake at the garden centre. I will make the most of being ‘bad’ today as I need to get my weight down to be sure that my bmi is below thirty when I go for my pre op.
We had missed the Ringtons man this morning, he left a note to say he would call back later and luckily we arrived home before he came back. He now has Jellyatrics to sell in individual packs rather than as part of an offer, and he had some interesting looking tea bags to try. I have had takeaway with Darren and Tina this evening and now I have Jellyatrics, definitely need to start being good tomorrow!
It has been a long day so will be taking it easy this evening and won’t be in bed too late.


  1. An early start and a busy day for both of you. The consultant sounded a really nice man, and not in too much of a rush to get you out the door as quickly as possible like most of them do these days. It’s Definitely good news that you’re going to get the knee op pretty quickly. It should make the world of difference to you. I would say you’ll miss the gammy knee, but you’ve got another one to keep you going 😊 It would be nice to get a bed with a view of the bridge. Maybe if you ask really nicely......
    I’m sure you’ll get the weight sorted fine. I know you’re pretty good when to have a task that has to be completed. You’ll do it no problem. As for the cakes and sweets today, they’re quite celebratory of the operation news. Tomorrow seems a perfect time to start in ernest.
    Pandora will be pleased to have your company tomorrow, as I bet she missed you today.

  2. That long term gammy knee obviously wants to stay with me!
    It was quite tiring today really and not met the step target, but will endeavour to get back on track tomorrow.
    The hospital stay is three or four days and they get you up and about and active within hours!
