Sunday 12 January 2020

Feeling a bit better

I will start with a memory from Google as it is interesting from a year ago. That bed is now full planted.
Today I have been driving myself slowly mad trying to solve this sudoku puzzle, when it is done I then have a jigsaw of it to challenge me further!
I have gone wrong a couple of times but the bits that are finished are now correct I think!
Next a couple of shots of Pandora, one with the coffee trees and one I took the other morning when she was sunning herself.

I had a go at making a mixture for the birds to put in the half coconut shells, will let you know if the go down well!

I went out into the summer house briefly this afternoon, the monopod was still indoors so just one bird picture and one of the sky!
That is one of the newly filled shells at the bottom!
Going to watch Throw Down and Vera downstairs this evening,


  1. I remember the robin sitting in the basket, so it must be one you had on the blog at the time. That view of the summerhouse is a bit different nowadays too.
    You’ve done quite well with that puzzle. You’re getting through it quicker than I thought you would. You are stubborn when you get the bit between your teeth 😊
    That’s a nice pic of Pandora in the sunlight. Lovely colours and she looks cute. Doesn’t look as though she could possibly torment other cats!
    The fat ball mix looks good. I’ll be interested to see how it goes down with the wildlife and if it last the same sort of time the bought one do. If the like the taste I bet it’ll go quicker.
    Nice last pic to finish with.

    1. I will attempt to finish the puzzle tomorrow but seemed to come to a standstill earlier!
      I was amazed that the pictures were just a year ago, that seems to have been a planted up bed for longer!
      Will see if the shells have been nibbled at when I go out in the morning.
