Thursday 23 January 2020

Out of focus and a couple of less common visitors

This morning I had the cats indoors and decided to sit out in the summer house early as there is often a feeding frenzy just after I have put the food out. But not today! The sun being in a different position the seagull on the chimney looks quite different, then I quite liked the one that focussed on the branches and not the birds!
Another out of focus, but different, this time of a squirrel that came down onto the grass.
We have a wagtail as a fairly regular visitor, only usually see them in car parks! It is small and speedy, but managed to get a few recognisable shots as it was around while I was outside.

Another rare visitor is the dunnock, not a great picture again, but recognisable.
Pandora did venture into the main garden for a bit, thankfully she finds it a bit scary so the birds have been safe so far!
I went to see Elaine for an hour this morning, she is the one person I kept in touch with from the charity shop. She had one of my Christmas cakes so I had a piece with her today!
This afternoon Tina and I went to B&Q in Bridlington and got some garden paint for the summer house. I also got some filler to try and repair the throne style chair I got a while ago. Then we went and had lunch at The Spa. A good lunch and the tickets for the Lady Boys were on sale already for October. I got my seat, the same one I had last year when it was cancelled I believe. So that was a bonus. Took one picture of the sea and of a miniature penny farthing which was being used for advertising.
I haven’t done a lot since I got home, the knee is pretty painful so that dampens any enthusiasm! I have been trying to work out a crochet pattern from a book I got a while ago, quite fine and confusing instructions! May try again in a bit. Death in Paradise is on in a bit, which is always entertaining.


  1. Those pics do look very different today. You know I like silhouettes so they’re good for me. I think the second nod pic is great. Shame that aerial is in the middle of it. Maybe you could get a similar one focused that way but from a position slightly further round. You managed to snap a lot of the harder to get birds. Like you say they are pretty speedy things at times so you have to be quick at pressing that button 😊
    Can’t believe anyone who had a Christmas cake still has any left! Didn’t last that long in my house.
    Nice to get out this afternoon for a bit of lunch and a bit of shopping. Really pleased you got your tickets for The Ladyboys. I know how much you were looking forward to the show last year. I must say they do put on a really good show. I remember it well the time we went to see them. Would never sit on the end of a row though!
    All in all a good day for you. Shame the knee is giving you grief again. Give up with doing anything and just relax with the telly.

  2. I was hoping I might get to take pics of the magpie of pheasant, but,aubretia another day. Was pleased to get the wagtail though.
    Yes, it was nice to get out for a bit, chilly but a no e bright day.
