Wednesday 15 January 2020

Jigsaw completed!

Not an overly energetic day again, I did get out to the shops this morning and was then waiting on deliveries so stayed downstairs, as I am not able to rush down at the moment if the doorbell rings!
One of the deliveries was mine, I ordered a plant trough stand as I decided that I would not do some many hanging baskets as it is hard to water then when they are high and also one broke away from the wall as they are obviously old and not that stable. Anyway, I seldom find myself pleasantly surprised but the stand was easy to assemble and was actually bigger that I had imagined, so really pleased with it.
After lunch and until not that long ago I have been working on the jigsaw. Now completed and ready to be locked away before too long!
White House Farm tonight, looking forward to it in n interested way, it is not exactly enjoyable!


  1. I have plenty of days when I don’t feel overly energetic. I don’t have a reason like you do, in my case I’m just idle!
    I think the trough rack is a good idea. It looks nice and strong so shouldn’t be a problem holding the weight of all the soil. Much easier to tend to as well. Do they do smaller versions? It would make a nice indoor herb growing station.
    You’ve done really well with the puzzle. I knew you’d beat it 😊 You should leave it out and on show for a few days so you can look at it a bit before you assign it to a dark place never to be seen again!

  2. It was a challenge that jigsaw, not you know what I am like whenI get the bit beneath my teeth!
    I really do like the stand, not sure it you can get then in different sizes. They only had the one i the catalogue I have.
    Need to find something else to fill my time tomorrow.
